All articles by Peter Baumgartner

Thumbnail image for Serving Static Files with uWSGI

Serving Static Files with uWSGI

Serving Static Files with uWSGI As noted in a previous post, uWSGI is a Swiss Army knife of functionality. One of its features is a built-in static file server. When to Use uWSGI for Serving Static Files While it may …
Thumbnail image for The Trouble with Thumbnails: Part 1

The Trouble with Thumbnails: Part 1

Images are everywhere on the web. Whether you’re building a simple blog, a CMS, or a true web application, chances are good that you’ll need to deal with images. Editors, authors, users, etc. expect to be able to upload images …
Thumbnail image for Our Failed Kickstarter Was Really a Success

Our Failed Kickstarter Was Really a Success

Our Kickstarter campaign for a companion video series to our book High Performance Django ended today just shy of its target. We consider it a great success! That’s right… a success. When we started the campaign, our internal goal was …
Thumbnail image for The uWSGI Swiss Army Knife

The uWSGI Swiss Army Knife

uWSGI is one of those interesting projects that keeps adding features with every new release without becoming totally bloated, slow, and/or unstable. In this post, we’ll look at some of its lesser used features and how you might use them …
Thumbnail image for Speeding Up NPM Installs

Speeding Up NPM Installs

I’ve been working on improving our deployment processes as part of the High Performance Django Infrastructure project we’re building out. One consistent pain point is our front-end build system, and particularly, npm installs. For a number of reasons, instead of …
Thumbnail image for Fast Immutable Python Deployments

Fast Immutable Python Deployments

Alternate title: Pip 7 is Awesome, Here’s Why A typical Python deployment looks like this: Pave the server, setting up a virtualenv and installing any pre-requisites necessary to build/install the Python requirements (compiler, development headers, etc.). To update to a …
Thumbnail image for A Closer Look at Docker

A Closer Look at Docker

Part of my job at Lincoln Loop is to explore new technologies and make sure that, as a company, we stay current. I’ve been playing around with Docker for a while, but recently decided to redeploy some of our production …
Thumbnail image for High Performance Django Infrastructure Preview

High Performance Django Infrastructure Preview

One of the most common requests we’ve heard since releasing our book, High Performance Django is: “Do you have more code/configuration examples?” It’s a pretty loaded question because the book covers everything from Python code to deploying and configuring servers. …
Thumbnail image for Rate Limiting with Nginx

Rate Limiting with Nginx

Do you manage a website? Does it have a login form? Can somebody brute force attack it with every common username/password combination until they find one that works? For many small web applications, the answer to all of the above …