I’d like to thank the Steamboat Springs Women Empowered in Business (WEB) group for inviting me to present at their meeting today. We discussed the recent surge in spam and how to combat it along with web hosting, web design, and our new billing system. Here are some related links for further reading.
- Read more about the recent wave of spam at Ars Technica, Security Focus, and Postini.
- This site graphs the weekly spam trends. As of this writing, it is offline, but I imagine it will be back up soon.
- Our recommended method of spam/virus filtering is Postini.
- Here is the link to our public uptime reports.
- We spoke briefly about the “new style” of coding and building websites based on web standards and accessibility. Here’s a quick rundown of the benefits you’ll get with a standards based website.
- I spoke about our new billing system, Freshbooks and how it is saving NDS Internet time and money.
- If you’d like to learn more about (re)building your website and things to think about in the process, we’ve bookmarked some more articles on the subject and have a page dedicated to it here