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High Performance Django: Shipped

I’m excited to announce that our book, High Performance Django is officially complete. You can buy a copy at now.

Thank You

Writing the book was hard work and there were definitely times where the challenge felt insurmountable. I couldn’t have completed the book without the efforts of a lot of other people:

  • Yann Malet The book’s co-author. His real world experience and technical detail were pivotal to the work.
  • Kickstarter Backers Knowing that almost 400 people were counting on having the book was what pushed me through the difficult times. Thank you for putting your faith in the project.
  • Mark Wirblich Mark is behind the design of the book and site. He is new to Lincoln Loop and led the project beautifully.
  • Valerie Coulman Valerie, the book’s editor, provided sage advice and the output is far better because of her involvement.
  • Jen Luft Jen managed the delivery of the backer rewards around the world. She is a master of scheduling and coordination.
  • Joni Trythall Joni was in charge of epub and Kindle layouts. She quickly picked up a new set of tools and helped fix some major problems with the small formats.
  • Lincoln Loop Everyone else at Lincoln Loop supported the book in some way, either through timely technical advice or moral support.

What’s Next

The ebook is available today, but we’re not done yet. We’re going to take a brief break to catch our breath and then start work on some new initiatives. A few possibilities we’ve kicked around:

  • a print edition
  • live Q&A sessions
  • HPD launch kit (fully functional SaltStack states to spin up new infrastructure based on the tips in the book)

If you don’t already have a copy, grab one today and join us for the ride!

Peter Baumgartner

About the author

Peter Baumgartner

Peter is the founder of Lincoln Loop, having built it up from a small freelance operation in 2007 to what it is today. He is constantly learning and is well-versed in many technical disciplines including devops, …

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