FeaturedSecurity Advisory: Arbitrary file inclusion through docutils
If you are allowing untrusted users to input reStructuredText which later gets passed through
DjangoCon EU Talk ScheduleThe talk schedule for next month’s DjangoCon EU in Cardiff have been announced. Looks like it’ll be a great one. Django BirthdayMore details are online for Django’s 10th birthday party/conference including dates, a call for speakers, and more. High Performance Django
Links of InterestTwo Scoops of Django: Best Practices for Django 1.8The foremost Django reference book has been updated for the recent 1.8 release. Currently available as a pre-release PDF with a print version following shortly. Django in DepthThere were two great Django-focused tutorials at PyCon this year. The first is a deep-dive by Django release manager, James Bennet, into the some of Django’s lesser used/documented APIs. TDD with Django, from ScratchThe second tutorial is by testing guru, Harry Percival. It will take you through creating a new Django project using the best practices for test-driven development. Classy Django REST FrameworkFollowing class-inheritance in Django REST Framework can be tricky. CDRF is a fork of the awesome CCBV site that helps you quickly find where each class’s methods and attributes are defined. Django Tutorial VideosMike Hibbert has published a large library of free Django tutorial videos on YouTube, in addition to his paid video training . Conversion of djangoproject.com from Ruby Sass (and Compass) to LibsassA recent pull request to djangoproject.com that’s interesting for a couple of reasons. It’s an example ofhow to integrate a CSS compiler into a real-world Django site. It also shows you how to move to pure-Python (and compiled C) tooling for Sass builds. Let’s Build A Web Server. Part 2Ever wonder how WSGI works under-the-hood? Ruslan Spivak is writing a book on how to build a web server from scratch. Part 2 of his blog series implements a simple WSGI web server in Python. Using mod_wsgi-express with Django
While gunicorn and uWSGI may be the most popular WSGI web servers at the moment, don’t count out Graham Dumpleton’s
A REST API using Django with OAuth2 and third party authentication
Lots of sample code in this post about building a simple API Django REST Framework and
Assembling a Continuous Integration Service for a Django project on JenkinsA nice walk-through of installing and configuring Jenkins to perform continuous integration testing on your Django project(s). How to configure Sass and Bower with django-compressorA two part post showing one way to integrate these front-end tools into your site and upload the assets to S3 when deploying to Heroku. Django Image and File Field CaveatsA list of common “gotchas” when working with file fields in Django. I think I’ve been bitten by every one of these in the past. Django Girls make the male-dominated world of IT more accessible to womenA Django Girls event in Athens was picked up by the daily Athens newspaper, Kathimerini. A nice write-up about the planned event and the organization’s goals. Tuning Django ORM Text Queries
Using a
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Django Round-Up #32
Django Round-Up