FeaturedDjangoCon US in Austin, TXThe website for this year's DjangoCon US officially launched (designed by us at Lincoln Loop ). This year's conference is being run by a newly founded non-profit, more details on the blog . Security releases and 1.8Django 1.8 was released with some pretty huge new features including support for multiple template engines (including Jinja2) and the new Postgres contrib module. Additionally, security releases have been made for 1.4, 1.6, and 1.7. Welcome to our full-time Django FellowFollowing the resounding success of Django's self-hosted crowdfunding campaign to sustain the Django Fellowship program, the DSF has announced that Tim Graham (part of the pilot program) will continue on as the full-time Fellow. High Performance Django
Links of InterestImportant Things [at DjangoCon EU]Ola Sitarska has a pretty impressive list of Django credentials: DSF board member, core developer, co-founder of Django Girls, former DjangoCon EU organizer. In this post puts together another impressive list: all the amazing things Daniele has lined up for DjangoCon EU. It is setting the bar for future conferences in many ways. My Approach to Class Based ViewsCore developer, Luke Plant, shows his technique for creating maintainable class-based views while avoiding the high cognitive load of the generic views provided by Django. High Performance Django Infrastructure PreviewA short screencast showing off how we manage deployments, infrastructure, and configuration management for our Django sites at Lincoln Loop. We're hoping to release these as an add-on for High Performance Django this year. A New Django Admin?It looks like we may get a redesigned Django admin interface in the next release. See the mailing list discussion for more details. Django: Wall of Superpowers!Tracking popular PyPI Django packages and their Python 3 readiness. The good news is that there aren't many widely used modules that still remain Python 2 only. How Django Uses MetaclassesA great deep dive into the Django source code and how it uses one of the more complex/misunderstood capabilities of Python, Metaclasses. Tightening Django Admin Logins
In previous round-ups, we've linked to posts and packages that help you setup rate-limiting for Django login forms. This post takes a different approach by using
Auto-select Current User in a Django Admin FormA helpful little code-snippet to force a user field to the current logged-in user in the Django admin. 3.1 Announcement - Django REST frameworkThe next release in DRF's version 3 Kickstarter campaign is live. New features including pagination improvements, internationalization, and support for new Postgres fields in Django 1.8. Session Management Between Django & Flask with RedisWith microservices gaining in popularity, one of the problems that developers need to solve is how to keep users logged in as they jump from service to service. This post shows you how to accomplish that. Beginning BDD with Django
Behavior-driven development is a style of TDD that uses natural language user stories to help define the tests. This two-part post goes into writing your feature files and using the
Real-time notifications on Django using gevent-socketio and RabbitMQAn interesting comparison in building out a real-time endpoint for a Django site in Python (with Gevent) vs. Node.js. Upload an image with Swift & Django REST frameworkWant to get an image off an iOS device and into your Django web server? Here's how you plug those two together. How To Serve Django Applications by DigitalOceanDigitalOcean has a couple of nice tutorials on getting Django setup using Nginx as a proxy server. One for Ubuntu with uWSGI and one for CentOS with gunicorn . If you haven't checked out DigitalOcean's hosting yet, here's a $10 credit to get you started. New & Updated Packages
Django Round-Up #31
Django Round-Up