Deep insights from our research and experience

Thumbnail image for What is WebRTC?

What is WebRTC?

WebRTC, short for Web Real Time Communications, is a specification and project adding JavaScript APIs in the browser to: 1. Access a user’s webcam and microphone: getUserMedia. 2. Connect directly to another browser: PeerConnection and DataChannel. The main use case …
Thumbnail image for The Distributed Workplace

The Distributed Workplace

Here’s a map of our current offices at Lincoln Loop: That’s 10 people, 5 timezones, and 3 continents for those of you counting at home. I use the term “office” loosely because we don’t have a central office in the …
Thumbnail image for What is SPDY?

What is SPDY?

This is HTTP A big friendly unsecured clear-text, line-oriented bear. This is SPDY A multi-plexed binary TLS-wrapped protocol from the future. SPDY (pronounced speedy) is a replacement for HTTP, and feels like a wrapper for it. SPDY is a packet …
Thumbnail image for Referrer Blocking is Hard

Referrer Blocking is Hard

One of my recent tasks in Ginger was to ensure that we weren’t leaking referrer URLs when you click on an external link in Ginger. It seemed like an easy task and one that’s probably been solved before. What I …
Thumbnail image for Optimize for Motivation

Optimize for Motivation

When your client is hundreds of miles away, but your bed only three feet, it helps to understand motivation. The first thing to understand about motivation is that it’s not something you do to someone. That’s called coercion. With enough …
Thumbnail image for Backbone.js for Django Developers

Backbone.js for Django Developers

Our new product Ginger relies heavily on Backbone.js for most of the client-side functionality (you can read about our full web-stack here). Our JavaScript guru Marco built the initial prototype and then was pulled away by client work. I reluctantly …
Thumbnail image for Four Libs Good, Two Libs Better

Four Libs Good, Two Libs Better

[with apologies to Mr. Orwell] I’ve noticed a subtle shift in how we approach building up new sites over the last couple of years. Our approach to site construction used to favor collecting open source apps and gluing them together …