All articles tagged Development

Thumbnail image for Linting SCSS with sass-lint

Linting SCSS with sass-lint

Linting SCSS with sass-lint Complex projects always require multiple developers and design heavy web sites are no exception. Sass/SCSS is still our language of choice when writing CSS, both for its wide support and flexibility. The latter can be a …
Thumbnail image for Django Anti-Patterns: Signals

Django Anti-Patterns: Signals

Django’s Signal Dispatcher is a really powerful feature that you should never use. Ok, it has valid use cases, but they may be rarer than you think. First, to dispel a misconception about signals, they are not executed asynchronously. There …
Thumbnail image for Debugging Go Code

Debugging Go Code

Four years ago, I wrote a blog post called Introduction to Go Debugging with GDB. At the time, the only option was the GNU debugger. Even the official Go documentation page on GDB doesn’t set the bar very high: GDB …
Thumbnail image for Sharing Media Files Without S3

Sharing Media Files Without S3

Nowadays, it’s common to deploy multiple application servers, but it poses a very common problem; How are these application servers going to share the media files contributed by the users? Cloud providers like Google, Rackspace or Amazon Web Services solve …