All articles tagged Development

Thumbnail image for Django for Hire

Django for Hire

Lincoln Loop has been in “head down” mode for the last couple months. In addition to being knee deep in client projects, we have grown from a one-man development studio to a full-fledged Django development shop/consultancy. We are proud to …
Thumbnail image for Getting RequestContext in Your Templates

Getting RequestContext in Your Templates

Lately, we’ve been taking over projects from people who began building their first site in Django, but either got in over their head or just found they didn’t have the time to continue. As I review the existing code, the …
Thumbnail image for Google App Engine First Impressions

Google App Engine First Impressions

For those of you that have been hiding under a rock for the last 12 hours, App Engine is Google’s answer to Amazon Web Services. While it is less flexible in some senses (you don’t have a complete OS at …
Thumbnail image for Reusable Django Apps and Forking

Reusable Django Apps and Forking

One of the things that drew me towards Django was the idea of being able to create reusable applications that would sit on my PYTHONPATH instead of copied across multiple sites. Coming from WordPress, the constant security updates that required …
Thumbnail image for Serving Django via CherryPy

Serving Django via CherryPy

Download django-cpserver Now at GitHub Background A few months ago, I got sick of trying to deploy Django sites on my cPanel server and got a VPS at Slicehost. Thanks to SuperJared, setting up Apache/mod_python behind an Nginx frontend was …
Thumbnail image for Django FormMail Clone

Django FormMail Clone

Here’s a little nugget I just posted to Django Snippets. It emulates the behavior of an old Perl script I used way back when, I often find myself needing to build a form whose contents get emailed to the …