<p>Your nonprofit organization’s website is the most crucial avenue for engaging your audiences and driving your mission-critical actions.</p><p>In this eBook, you will learn about the unspoken expectations of your online audience and discover the four most essential elements to …</p>
<p>Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) do some of the most critical social and environmental work today, fostering civic engagement and leadership, driving economic growth, and strengthening communities. Every person in the US, and many throughout the world, benefit from the work of …</p>
<p>We spend a lot of energy at Lincoln Loop to ensure that the tools we build for our clients are working as hard as possible for them. One thing that we consider is a thoughtfully-designed Open Graph meta tag system. …</p>
<p>Our clients come to us with a variety of existing internal teams. Sometimes we work with UI designers or brand-focused graphic designers who deliver pixel-perfect mockups. Other times the stakeholders will describe what their goals are, and we’ll be responsible …</p>
<p>Consider a “white labeled” app where a CMS admin can customize the design of their public-facing dashboard. The developer is tasked with saving a handful of user-populated values to the database. Colors, fonts, and perhaps a background image or two …</p>
<p>Linting SCSS with sass-lint</p><p>Complex projects always require multiple developers and design heavy web sites are no exception. Sass/SCSS is still our language of choice when writing CSS, both for its wide support and flexibility. The latter can be a …</p>
<p>Element queries provide styling opportunities specific to an element’s dimensions. You could consider them the holy grail of responsive web design, allowing authors to determine an element’s look and feel regardless on where it’s placed. If given ample space you …</p>
<p>The following is the second installment of our Loop Letters series, an interview with</p><p>Tracy Osborn</p><p>.</p><p>Tracy is the author of</p><p>Hello Web App</p><p>, a book to help designers and non-programmers get up and running with Python and …</p>
<p>I received an email recently asking for assistance with an SVG icon issue. The individual explained that he was working with</p><p>a lot</p><p>of icons (about 300, which I would say qualifies as a “system”) as images and wondering if …</p>
<p>Flexbox is everywhere right now. Well,</p><p>talk</p><p>of flexbox is everywhere, not so much its implementation just yet. We have been tinkering with it quite a bit these days and thought it might be handy to share these explorations. Each …</p>