All articles by Michael Trythall

Thumbnail image for A Look at CSS Rule Organization

A Look at CSS Rule Organization

CSS preprocessors have given us a handful of tools to re-architect our front-end code. We can keep things DRY with includes and extends or perhaps use nesting for code organization. All of these features allow a CSS rule to grow …

Thumbnail image for Time Saved Working From Home

Time Saved Working From Home

One perk Lincoln Loop and other companies with remote staff regularly cite is the lack of a commute. Nothing beats taking the Pajama Freeway to your home office. While reviewing my time entries for last year I started to wonder …

Thumbnail image for Sharing Sketches in a Remote Environment

Sharing Sketches in a Remote Environment

I recently came across

this article from EightShapes

detailing how they are sharing sketches in a remote environment. Lincoln Loop is entirely remote and we’ve run into the same problem, but I’ll admit we haven’t been as MacGyver about solving …