Deep insights from our research and experience

Thumbnail image for A Look At SVG

A Look At SVG

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML. These graphics can consist of paths, shapes, and/or text that can be scaled and resized without losing image quality like a bitmap would.

While SVG has actually …

Thumbnail image for Introducing Amygdala, a JavaScript REST client

Introducing Amygdala, a JavaScript REST client

We’ve been working on a new UI and front-end architecture for our communication tool,


. In doing so, we built a new

JavaScript library

to communicate with our


powered API(s).

Inspired by

but aimed at custom API …

Thumbnail image for Django Round-Up #23

Django Round-Up #23


Django 1.7 release candidate 2

The 1.7 release is nigh! Lots of awesome improvements coming down the pike.

DjangoCon US Schedule Posted

The preliminary talk schedule for DjangoCon US was posted recently. It will be back in Portland this …

Thumbnail image for Django Round-Up #22

Django Round-Up #22


Django 1.7 release candidate 1

Django 1.7 is creeping towards an official release. Lots of changes in this one including an app loading refactor and built-in schema migrations.

DjangoCon US Call for Proposals

The talk proposal deadline for DjangoCon …

Thumbnail image for Django Round-Up #21

Django Round-Up #21


Django Security Releases

Django 1.4.13, 1.5.8, 1.6.5 and 1.7 beta 4 were released to address an issue with caches serving private data and URL validation allowing redirects to malformed URLs. These issues likely affect a majority of users and …

Thumbnail image for Django Round-Up #20

Django Round-Up #20

Hi there! As you probably noticed, Django Round-up has been on hiatus for the last few months. We got busy and the newsletter fell by the wayside. Sorry for leaving you hanging!

Moving forward, we're considering a monthly format instead …

Thumbnail image for A Look at CSS Rule Organization

A Look at CSS Rule Organization

CSS preprocessors have given us a handful of tools to re-architect our front-end code. We can keep things DRY with includes and extends or perhaps use nesting for code organization. All of these features allow a CSS rule to grow …

Thumbnail image for Speedy Browserifying with Multiple Bundles

Speedy Browserifying with Multiple Bundles

Last month I talked about one of my favorite tools for JavaScript on the front end,


, which allows you to create modular code for the browser using CommonJS modules and npm. It does this by combining the dependencies …